Corollary: Don't sit still. Keep seeking out jobs and projects where you are strongly compelled to advance your skills. Or per the alleged Jazz musician proverb: look for a group where everyone is a better player than you are. Once you get too comfortable there, switch. Always be the worst musician in the band.
Let me Google that for You: Gujarati Proverbs: Tipe tipe sarovar bharaay: An ocean is filled with drops at a time . With small efforts you can accomplish big goals.
Amen, Methuselah.
Corollary: Don't sit still. Keep seeking out jobs and projects where you are strongly compelled to advance your skills. Or per the alleged Jazz musician proverb: look for a group where everyone is a better player than you are. Once you get too comfortable there, switch. Always be the worst musician in the band.
YES! This year, suddenly everyone is an architect.
Haha, the bit about senior in titles cracked me up!
The article reminds me of one of the common sayings in my native language:
`tipe tipe sarovar bharaye`
Let me Google that for You: Gujarati Proverbs: Tipe tipe sarovar bharaay: An ocean is filled with drops at a time . With small efforts you can accomplish big goals.